No-code Practice Expert
(EU Candidates)

Product Design

Our mission at Netguru is to help entrepreneurs and innovators shape the world through beautiful software. As a Certified B Corporation®, we offer a safe, inclusive and productive environment for all team members. If you want to work from home and be a full time employee, great - you can apply right away.

Our mission at Netguru is to help entrepreneurs and innovators shape the world through beautiful software. As a Certified B Corporation®, we offer a safe, inclusive and productive environment for all team members.

Task and duties:

Soru sor? Martyna
ile konuş

Martyna Stafa

başvurular açık

Gizlilik Politikamız hakkında bilgi edinin    

Fikirleştirme ve Değerlendirme

Ürün Tasarımı Süreci (Product Design Sprint)

Kapsam Belirleme Oturumları (Scoping Session )

Kullanıcı Deneyimi İnceleme (UX Review)

Araştırma ve Geliştirme (Research and Development)


Ürün Tasarımı (Product Design)

Kullanıcı Deneyimi Tasarımı (UX Design)

Web Geliştirme

Mobil Geliştirme